Hadziselimovic 1946-2016, In Memoriam)
Abandon me not,
world, do not leave, naïve swallow… Omer’s
death is more than two months old, but these verses by Miljkovic1 still
drum in my head, and have been since the day that brief message arrived in
November of last year (only three days before his final exit) that nothing more
could be done. We had known each other for only four years, but our friendship
was honest and deep, like a forty-year-old well. When, from time to time, I
toss a memory pebble into it, a whisper of a distant water emerges. That is how
I still communicate with Omer Hadziselimovic. I told him in recent days that I
can’t come to terms with the void he birthed, that his absence from life is
unexcused--and his death utterly unfounded.
We found each other
late in life, under strange circumstances, and, like in that unforgettable
Eugenio Montale poem, I can say that even
so it has been short, our long journey, I still went, arm in arm with Omer,
down a million stairs of his
translator’s workshop. He led me into secret chambers, unlocked treasure
trunks, entrusted me with valuable
documents, taught me to love at least five American poets of whom I only knew before, but to whose poetry I
am now addicted. Even my own poems are more recognizable to me today because of
Omer; by translating them into English, he sharpened the farsighted focus on
that one pair of my glasses:
Dedicated to Omer
as we are soft when it comes to the faults
of our
own children, I could not step back from
poems and view them with objective eyes.
I was
not capable of reading them as someone
until the time when, at a resting-place for
my path crossed with Fr. Omer's.
Omer sat in a darkened room going through
arrived mail. Now and then, coughing
putting down his monocle, he'd startle the flame
on the
candle. He'd bring my letters to his ear
listen to them for a long time before copying
to the reserve language and arranging
in a shoebox. Today I got the package
and am
sorting the mail that has just arrived.
bringing my poems to my ear and listening
them for the first time as someone else.
He was born in
1946, and lived in Sarajevo until 1994. Majored in English and German, got his
Master’s degree, then his doctorate, taught at the Faculty of Philosophy at the
University of Sarajevo, and along the way was promoted to the top academic
ranks. It was as if he didn’t remember any of it! His academic interests centered around
English and American history and American literature. I never asked questions!
He lived through the two most difficult years of the Sarajevo siege. Never
talked much about it! From 1994 on he lived in the United States, taught at Loyola
University in Chicago, participated in a number of literary projects, wrote,
translated, received several recognitions, awards… Never boasted! With Marko
Vesovic, the best contemporary living expert on how to read poetry, translated to and from English. Totally opposite personalities,
yet top notch translations… I, too, remember exchanging up to twenty messages
with Fr. Omer before settling upon the perfect English words while translating
some tough verses of mine. I don’t know how he had the patience, or how he
could even put up with an English language ignoramus like me.
Plans are made to
fail, and when I peer into my sehara2 filled with memories of Omer, the first
thing I see is what’s missing: a planned reunion on Hvar in the summer of 2016,
strolls along the plowed sea, hikes to the old tavern in the abandoned village of
Humac … His Dina and Belma, so far away, whom he misses all the time, his Esma,
always at his side, never whimpering. Who will translate this poetry for us now? Then again, haven’t we already translated
everything, is there even anything left to say?
I have all the words, in all their nuances,
but there is nothing to speak anymore.
It's clear I'm in pitch darkness, the only
light - the eyes of keyholes. It's unclear
which side the precipices are on.
I have all the keys, I keep them in coded
safes. But I find it harder and harder to love:
there is no one to open them to anymore.
Omer has been dead
for more than two months now, and I don’t know if his ashes have been given to
the winds to scatter selflessly across continents. I haven’t asked! When you
are dust in one place, you are dust everywhere. That way you’re returning home.
Perhaps by the same road, carrying the same beauty and the same dangers so they
can surprise you in an unfamiliar place.
Judging by the
anachronistic moral principles he followed, Omer Hadziselimovic wasn’t really of
this world. Rather, I would say that he belonged to another long-extinct human
species, but somehow, like in a bad movie, accidentally slipped into the
future. Now everything is in its right place again, and I believe that someone
will soon stumble upon Omer’s stećak3 while wandering
through some Bosnian Bogomil4 necropolis. And that, on that ancient
stone, one will still be able to glimpse the fitting epitaph: He never said MINE or YOURS, never that icy
1 Branko Miljković, a post-World War
Serbian poet who ended his own life aged twenty-seven.
2 Sehara, an artfully
adorned box or trunk used for keeping the most precious belongings.
3 Stećak, medieval
tombstones in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its neighboring countries.
4 Bogomils, members
of the medieval Bosnian church, followers of the religious and political
movement that originated in the tenth century as a response to the social
stratification and as opposition to the state and church authorities.
5 Lightly modified verse of
Greek poet Konstantinos Kavafis
by Esma Hadziselimovic (Milorad Pejic’s poems translated by Omer
Milorad Pejić:
Hadžiselimović 1946-2016, Sjećanje)
Ne napuštaj me
svete, ne idi naivna lasto… Omerova smrt stara je već više
od dva mjeseca ali mi ovi Miljkovićevi stihovi jednako bubnjaju u glavi sve od
onog trenutka kad mi je u novembru prošle godina (samo tri dana prije njegovog
definitivnog odlaska) stigla ona kratka poruka da se više ništa za njega ne
može učiniti. Poznavali smo se svega četiri godine ali bilo je iskreno i duboko
naše prijateljstvo kao bunar od četrdeset godina. Iz njega se javi šapat daleke
vode kad ubacim ponekad kamičak sjećanja. Tako još uvijek komuniciram sa
Omerom Hadžiselimovićem. Rekao sam mu ovih dana da ne mogu da se pomirim sa
prazninom koju je porodio i da je njegovo odsustvo iz života naprosto neopravdano
i njegova smrt potpuno neosnovana.
Našli smo se pokasno
u životu, pod sticajem čudnih okolnosti, i kao u onoj jednoj nezaboravnoj pjesmi
Eugenia Montalea mogu reći da bilo je kratko naše dugo putovanje ali stigao
sam ipak da, zajedno s Omerom, siđem makar niz milion stepenica njegove
prevodilačke radionice. Uveo me u tajne odaje, otključao blaga, povjerio mi na
čuvanje vrijednosne papire, naučio me da volim najmanje pet američkih
pjesnika o kojima sam do tada samo znao a danas sam njihove poezije
ovisnik. Danas su mi i moje vlastite pjesme prepoznatljivije jer mi je Omer,
prevodeći ih na engleski, izoštrio dioptriju na onom jednom paru naočala za
Omera Hadžiselimovića
isti način na koji smo bolećivi spram mana
djece, nisam se mogao odmaći od
pjesama i sagledati ih očima objektivnim.
ih mogao čitati kao nečije druge
dok mi se jednom, na odmorištu diližansi,
ne ukrstiše sa putevima Fra Omerovim.
Omer je sjedio u zamračenoj sobi i prebirao
poštu. Ponekad bi kašljem ili ispuštanjem
monokla poplašio
plamen na svijeći. Prinosio je
i dugo slušao moja pisma prije no što bi ih
na rezervni jezik i slagao u kutiju
cipele. Danas sam dobio paket i razvrstavam
poštu. Prinosim uhu i slušam po prvi put
pjesme kao neko drugi.
Rodio se 1946. i živio u Sarajevu sve do 1994. Studirao anglistiku i germanistiku, magistrirao, doktorirao, radio na Filozofskom fakultetu, dobio sva univerzitetska zvanja. Kao da ih se nije sjećao! Bavio se pretežno engleskom i američkom historijom i
američkom književnošću. Nisam ga
zapitkivao! Izdržao dvije najteže godine opsade Sarajeva. Malo je o tome pričao! Od 1994 živio u USA, radio kao profesor na Univerzitetu Loyola u Čikagu,
učestvovao u mnogim književnim projektima, pisao, prevodio, dobio mnoga
priznanja, nagrade... Nije se nikad hvalio! Sa Markom Vešovićem, za čitanje poezije najvećim živim ekspertom
našeg vremena, prevodio je na engleski i sa engleskog. Dva različita
temperamenta, vrhunski prevodi... Znao sam i sam sa Fra-Omerom razmijeniti i po
dvadesetak poruka prije nego bismo pronašli pravi engleski izraz za poneku
tešku riječ pri prevođenju mojih stihova. Ne znam kako je imao živce, ne znam
kako me je, ovako nepismenog za engleski, uopšte trpio.
Planovi su da propadaju i kad zavirim u seharu uspomena na Omera vidim prvo
ono što mi u njoj nedostaje: jedan dogovoreni susret na Hvaru ljeta 2016, šetnje
kraj uzoranog mora, izlet do konobe u napuštenom selu Humac... Njegova Dina i
Belma koje su daleko i koje mu stalno nedostaju, njegova Esma koja je stalno uz
njega a ne kmeči. Ko će nam sada tu
poeziju prevoditi na engleski? Ali zar nismo već sve preveli, zar je potrebno
da se više bilo šta govori?
Sve riječi
imam, u svim nijansama,
samo nema
više šta da se govori.
Jasno je da
sam u mrklom mraku,
svjetlost – oči ključaonica.
Nije sigurno
s koje strane su ponori.
Imam sve
ključeve, čuvam ih pod
šifrom u
kasama. Samo sve teže
volim: nema
više kome da se otvori.
Omerova smrt stara je više od dva mjesaca i ne znam još da li je njegov prah
predan vjetru da ga nesebično rasprši po kontinentima. Nisam pitao! Jer
svejedno je. Kad si prah na jednom mjestu – prah si svagdje. Na taj način
vraćaš se kući. Možda istim putem, noseći sa sobom istu ljepotu i iste
opasnosti da te u nepoznatu kraju iznenađuju.
Sudeći prema anahronosti moralnih principa koje je slijedio, Omer Hadžiselimović zapravo nije ni bio od ovog svijeta. Prije bih rekao da
je pripadao jednoj drugoj, odavno izumrloj ljudskoj vrsti ali je nekim
slučajem, kao u lošem filmu, upao u budućnost. Sada je opet sve na svom mjestu
i vjerujem da će neko uskoro nabasati na Omerov stećak tumarajući po nekoj od nekropola bosanskih Bogumila. I da će
se na tom davnom kamenu još uvijek moći razabrati urezan epitaf koji savršeno
pristaje: Nikada nije rekao MOJE ili TVOJE, nikad tu ledenu riječ*.
* Neznatno modifikovan stih grčkog
pjesnika Kostantinosa Kavafisa
All Work - Copyright 2017 by Milorad Pejic - All Rights Reserved